Happy Birthday to Me.
Today is Oct. 29, 2020 and it has been a very long time since I've posted to this blog.
But this is an important month worth mentioning: Thank you to all of you, family and friends who have shown me great love over the years. I am so grateful and appreciative of all of you and all of your support.
10/12/2010 ... fast forward ... 10/12/2020: It is now officially 10 Years since my autologous stem cell transplant, glory to God and a - words are not enough, Thank You to the Team at City of Hope (Duarte) who have diligently been taking such awesome care of me and continue to do so.
I am humbled in a state of gratitude and am in a consumed state of grace and charity, for there is no other words to echo my deep, heart felt feelings for living beyond a cancer diagnosis and in remission.
Blessings, much abundant blessings & my Love to you all.